Although NMR spectroscopy is routinely used to study the conformational dynamics of biomolecules, robust analyses of the data are challenged in cases where exchange is more complex than two-state, such as when a â??visibleâ?? major conformer exchanges with two â??invisibleâ?? minor states on the millisecond timescale. It is becoming increasingly clear that chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) NMR experiments that were initially developed to study systems undergoing slow interconversion are also sensitive to intermediateâ??fast timescale biomolecular conformational exchange. Here we investigate the utility of the amide 15N CEST experiment to characterise protein three-state exchange occurring on the millisecond timescale by studying the interconversion between the folded (F) state of the FF domain from human HYPA/FBP11 (WT FF) and two of its folding intermediates I1 and I2. Although 15N CPMG experiments are consistent with the F state interconverting with a single minor state on the millisecond timescale, 15N CEST data clearly establish an exchange process between F and a pair of minor states. A unique three-state exchange model cannot be obtained by analysis of 15N CEST data recorded at a single temperature. However, including the relative sign of the difference in the chemical shifts of the two minor states based on a simple two-state analysis of CEST data recorded at multiple temperatures, results in a robust three-state model in which the F, I1 and I2 states interconvert with each other on the millisecond timescale ( \({k}_{ex,FI1}\) ~ 550Â*sâ??1, \({k}_{ex,FI2}\) ~ 1200Â*sâ??1, \({k}_{ex,I1I2}\) ~ 5000Â*sâ??1), with I1 and I2 sparsely populated atâ??~â??0.15% andâ??~â??0.35%, respectively, at 15Â*°C. A computationally demanding grid-search of exchange parameter space is not required to extract the best-fit exchange parameters from the CEST data. The utility of the CEST experiment, thus, extends well beyond studies of conformers in slow exchange on the NMR chemical shift timescale, to include systems with interconversion rates on the order of thousands/second.
Studying micro to millisecond protein dynamics using simple amide 15N CEST experiments supplemented with major-state R2 and visible peak-position constraints
Studying micro to millisecond protein dynamics using simple amide 15N CEST experiments supplemented with major-state R2 and visible peak-position constraints
Over the last decade amide 15N CEST experiments have emerged as a popular tool to study protein dynamics that involves exchange between a â??visibleâ?? major state and sparsely populated â??invisibleâ?? minor states. Although initially introduced to study exchange between states that are in slow exchange with each other (typical exchange rates of, 10 to 400Â*sâ??1), they are now used to...
Journal club
06-11-2023 01:13 PM
Exchangeable deuterons introduce artifacts in amide 15 N CEST experiments used to study protein conformational exchange
Exchangeable deuterons introduce artifacts in amide 15 N CEST experiments used to study protein conformational exchange
Protein molecules sample different conformations in solution and characterizing these conformations is crucial to understanding protein function. 15N CEST experiments are now routinely used to study slow conformational exchange of protein molecules between a â??visibleâ?? major state and â??invisibleâ?? minor states. These experiments have also been adapted to measure the solvent exchange rates of amide protons by exploiting...
[NMR paper] Residue Selective 15N CEST and CPMG Experiments for Studies of Millisecond Timescale Protein Dynamics
Residue Selective 15N CEST and CPMG Experiments for Studies of Millisecond Timescale Protein Dynamics
Publication date: Available online 1 June 2018
Source:Journal of Magnetic Resonance</br>
Author(s): Xiaogang Niu, Jienv Ding, Wenbo Zhang, Qianwen Li, Yunfei Hu, Changwen Jin</br>
Proteins are intrinsically dynamic molecules and undergo exchanges among multiple conformations to perform biological functions. The CPMG relaxation dispersion and CEST experiments are two important solution NMR techniques for characterizing the conformational exchange processes...
Journal club
06-03-2018 01:00 AM
Probing slow timescale dynamics in proteins using methyl 1 H CEST
Probing slow timescale dynamics in proteins using methyl 1 H CEST
Although 15N- and 13C-based chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) experiments have assumed an important role in studies of biomolecular conformational exchange, 1H CEST experiments are only beginning to emerge. We present a methyl-TROSY 1H CEST experiment that eliminates deleterious 1Hâ??1H NOE dips so that CEST profiles can be analyzed robustly to extract methyl proton chemical shifts of rare protein conformers. The utility of the experiment, along with a version that...
Journal club
06-24-2017 08:20 PM
[NMR paper] NMR Relaxation in Proteins with Fast Internal Motions and Slow Conformational Exchange: Model Free Framework and Markov State Simulations.
NMR Relaxation in Proteins with Fast Internal Motions and Slow Conformational Exchange: Model Free Framework and Markov State Simulations.
NMR Relaxation in Proteins with Fast Internal Motions and Slow Conformational Exchange: Model Free Framework and Markov State Simulations.
J Phys Chem B. 2013 May 2;
Authors: Xia J, Deng NJ, Levy RM
Calculating NMR relaxation effects for proteins with dynamics on multiple timescales generally requires very long trajectories based on conventional molecular dynamics simulations. In this report,...
Journal club
05-04-2013 09:18 PM
[NMR paper] Defining protein ensembles with native-state NH exchange: kinetics of interconversion
Defining protein ensembles with native-state NH exchange: kinetics of interconversion and cooperative units from combined NMR and MS analysis.
Related Articles Defining protein ensembles with native-state NH exchange: kinetics of interconversion and cooperative units from combined NMR and MS analysis.
J Mol Biol. 1999 Jan 22;285(3):1265-75
Authors: Arrington CB, Teesch LM, Robertson AD
Previous studies of native-state peptide hydrogen atom (NH) exchange in turkey ovomucoid third domain (OMTKY3) yielded the thermodynamics and kinetics of...