Protein structure determination is a very important topic in structural genomics, which helps people to understand varieties of biological functions such as protein-protein interactions, protein-DNA interactions and so on. Nowadays, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) has often been used to determine the three-dimensional structures of protein in vivo. This study aims to automate the peak picking step, the most important and tricky step in NMR structure determination. We propose to model the NMR spectrum by a mixture of bivariate Gaussian densities and use the stochastic approximation Monte Carlo algorithm as the computational tool to solve the problem. Under the Bayesian framework, the peak picking problem is casted as a variable selection problem. The proposed method can automatically distinguish true peaks from false ones without preprocessing the data. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first effort in the literature that tackles the peak picking problem for NMR spectrum data using Bayesian method.
PMID: 24184964 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
[Question from NMRWiki Q&A forum] how to do peak picking manually in VNMRJ
how to do peak picking manually in VNMRJ
I known how to pick peaks automatically. But it always omits some small peaks and picks some noise as peaks. Is there anyone knowing how to do a manual peak picking?
Check if somebody has answered this question on NMRWiki QA forum
News from other NMR forums
10-30-2013 10:44 AM
[NMR Sparky Yahoo group] Peak picking
Peak picking
Dear all, I have a series of 3D spectra on a protein and now I need to pick the spectra. The usual way is to move across the planes for each spectrum but this
News from other NMR forums
10-20-2012 06:28 PM
[NMR Sparky Yahoo group] Re: Peak picking
Re: Peak picking
Many thanks!!! I will try. Marco Dr.Marco Sette, Ph.D. Department of Chemical Sciences and Technology University of Rome, "Tor Vergata" via della Ricerca
News from other NMR forums
10-20-2012 06:28 PM
[NMR Sparky Yahoo group] Re: Peak picking
Re: Peak picking
'kr' http://www.cgl.ucsf.edu/home/sparky/manual/extensions.html#RestrictedPick Keep your negative contours threshold very low to reduce artifacts in the
News from other NMR forums
10-20-2012 06:28 PM
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] nmrpipe peak picking simplified
nmrpipe peak picking simplified
Hi everybody I am trying to simplify my assignment process: For this I would like to use a 2D projection from a 3D NOESY where I can easily pick and assign and
NMRpipe Yahoo group news
News from other NMR forums
09-23-2011 05:53 AM
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Problem peak-picking 3D spectra
Problem peak-picking 3D spectra
Hello All, I've been trying to run the automated peak detection, but I've run into some difficulty. Picking a slice from a 3D spectrum works without problems,
NMRpipe Yahoo group news
News from other NMR forums
05-27-2011 10:40 AM
[NMR analysis blog] Intelligent Peak Picking of 1D NMR Spectra
Intelligent Peak Picking of 1D NMR Spectra
In case you hadn´t noticed, version 7 of Mnova was released just a few days ago.
Whilst this new version presents a number of significant improvements in the software, in this post I would like to focus on a new peak picking concept which, to the best of my knowledge, is novel and in some way, revolutionary. I will try to keep this as short and clear as possible, just to illustrate the very basic ideas that motivated this new approach to peak picking. In the next posts I will elaborate further on some of the new points introduced here.
News from NMR blogs
05-16-2011 08:23 PM
[NMR paper] Automated peak picking and peak integration in macromolecular NMR spectra using AUTOP
Automated peak picking and peak integration in macromolecular NMR spectra using AUTOPSY.
Related Articles Automated peak picking and peak integration in macromolecular NMR spectra using AUTOPSY.
J Magn Reson. 1998 Dec;135(2):288-97
Authors: Koradi R, Billeter M, Engeli M, Güntert P, Wüthrich K
A new approach for automated peak picking of multidimensional protein NMR spectra with strong overlap is introduced, which makes use of the program AUTOPSY (automated peak picking for NMR spectroscopy). The main elements of this program are a novel...