[NMR paper] Dynamic characteristics of GMP reductase complexes revealed by high resolution 31P field cycling NMR relaxometry.
Dynamic characteristics of GMP reductase complexes revealed by high resolution 31P field cycling NMR relaxometry.
Dynamic characteristics of GMP reductase complexes revealed by high resolution 31P field cycling NMR relaxometry.
Biochemistry. 2018 Mar 16;:
Authors: Rosenberg MM, Redfield AG, Roberts M, Hedstrom L
The ability of enzymes to modulate the dynamics of bound substrates and cofactors is a critical feature of catalysis, but the role of dynamics has largely been approached from the perspective of the protein....
Journal club
03-17-2018 12:12 PM
Molecular dynamics-based selectivity for Fast-Field-Cycling relaxometry by Overhauser and solid effect dynamic nuclear polarization #DNPNMR
From The DNP-NMR Blog:
Molecular dynamics-based selectivity for Fast-Field-Cycling relaxometry by Overhauser and solid effect dynamic nuclear polarization #DNPNMR
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Neudert, O., C. Mattea, and S. Stapf, Molecular dynamics-based selectivity for Fast-Field-Cycling relaxometry by Overhauser and solid effect dynamic nuclear polarization. J. Magn. Reson., 2017. 276: p. 113-121.
News from NMR blogs
05-23-2017 04:44 AM
[NMR paper] Substrate and Cofactor Dynamics on Guanosine Monophosphate Reductase Probed by High Resolution Field Cycling 31P NMR Relaxometry.
Substrate and Cofactor Dynamics on Guanosine Monophosphate Reductase Probed by High Resolution Field Cycling 31P NMR Relaxometry.
Related Articles Substrate and Cofactor Dynamics on Guanosine Monophosphate Reductase Probed by High Resolution Field Cycling 31P NMR Relaxometry.
J Biol Chem. 2016 Sep 9;
Authors: Rosenberg MM, Redfield AG, Roberts MF, Hedstrom L
Guanosine-5'-monophosphate reductase (GMPR) catalyzes the reduction of GMP to IMP and ammonia with concomitant oxidation of NADPH. Here we investigated the structure...
Journal club
09-22-2016 06:31 AM
Fast-field-cycling relaxometry enhanced by Dynamic Nuclear Polarization
From The DNP-NMR Blog:
Fast-field-cycling relaxometry enhanced by Dynamic Nuclear Polarization
Neudert, O., et al., Fast-field-cycling relaxometry enhanced by Dynamic Nuclear Polarization. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2015. 205(0): p. 70-74.
News from NMR blogs
04-06-2015 02:58 PM
[NMR paper] Nanosecond timescale motions in proteins revealed by high-resolution NMR relaxometry.
Nanosecond timescale motions in proteins revealed by high-resolution NMR relaxometry.
Related Articles Nanosecond timescale motions in proteins revealed by high-resolution NMR relaxometry.
J Am Chem Soc. 2013 Nov 14;
Authors: Charlier CD, Khan SN, Marquardsen T, Pelupessy P, Reiss V, Sakellariou D, Bodenhausen G, Engelke F, Ferrage F
Understanding the molecular determinants underlying protein function requires the characterization of both structure and dynamics at atomic resolution. Nuclear relaxation rates allow a precise...
Journal club
11-16-2013 03:14 PM
Field-cycling NMR relaxometry of viscous liquids and polymers
Field-cycling NMR relaxometry of viscous liquids and polymers
May 2012
Publication year: 2012
Source:Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Volume 63</br>
Graphical abstract
Journal club
12-01-2012 06:10 PM
Field-cycling NMR relaxometry of viscous liquids and polymers
Field-cycling NMR relaxometry of viscous liquids and polymers
Publication year: 2011
Source:Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy</br>
D. Kruk, A. Herrmann, E.A. Rössler</br>
Graphical Abstract
http://ars.sciencedirect.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S0079656511000586-fx1.jpg Graphical abstract Highlights
Journal club
03-09-2012 09:16 AM
[NMR paper] High-resolution 31p field cycling NMR as a probe of phospholipid dynamics.
High-resolution 31p field cycling NMR as a probe of phospholipid dynamics.
Related Articles High-resolution 31p field cycling NMR as a probe of phospholipid dynamics.
J Am Chem Soc. 2004 Oct 27;126(42):13765-77
Authors: Roberts MF, Redfield AG
We have used high-resolution field-cycling 31P NMR spectroscopy to measure spin-lattice relaxation rates (R1 = 1/T1) of multicomponent phospholipid vesicle and micelle samples over a large field range, from 0.1 to 11.7 T. The shape of the curve for R1 as a function of field and a model-free analysis were...