Relationship between Amphipathic ? Structuresin the ?1 Domain of Apolipoprotein B and the Propertiesof the Secreted Lipoprotein Particles in McA-RH7777 Cells
Relationship between Amphipathic ? Structuresin the ?1 Domain of Apolipoprotein B and the Propertiesof the Secreted Lipoprotein Particles in McA-RH7777 Cells
DOI: 10.1021/acs.biochem.6b01174
Journal club
07-28-2017 10:21 PM
Unusual Reversible Oligomerization of Unfolded DengueEnvelope Protein Domain 3 at High Temperatures and Its Abolition bya Point Mutation
Unusual Reversible Oligomerization of Unfolded DengueEnvelope Protein Domain 3 at High Temperatures and Its Abolition bya Point Mutation
DOI: 10.1021/acs.biochem.6b00431
Journal club
08-04-2016 11:21 PM
[NMR paper] Dynamics of the Intrinsically Disordered C-Terminal Domain of the Nipah Virus Nucleoprotein and Interaction with the X Domain of the Phosphoprotein as Unveiled by NMR Spectroscopy.
Dynamics of the Intrinsically Disordered C-Terminal Domain of the Nipah Virus Nucleoprotein and Interaction with the X Domain of the Phosphoprotein as Unveiled by NMR Spectroscopy.
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[NMR paper] NMR analysis reveals a positively charged hydrophobic domain as a common motif to bou
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Biochemistry. 1994 Jan 25;33(3):644-50
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[NMR paper] NMR analysis reveals a positively charged hydrophobic domain as a common motif to bou
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Biochemistry. 1994 Jan 25;33(3):644-50
Authors: Fraenkel Y, Gershoni JM, Navon G
A complete 1H assignment of d-tubocurarine was carried out using 1D and 2D NMR techniques. Geometries of free acetylcholine (ACh) and d-tubocurarine were compared with those of the ligands bound to a...
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