[NMR900 blog] Postdoctoral Research Associate in multiphase NMR Spectroscopy
Postdoctoral Research Associate in multiphase NMR Spectroscopy
Environmental NMR Centre, Department of Chemistry, University of Toronto at Scarborough, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Project Description:
This is a unique opportunity to develop a novel area of NMR spectroscopy termed Comprehensive Multiphase NMR spectroscopy (CMP NMR).
CMP NMR is a new area of NMR spectroscopy that incorporates solid-state, semi-solids (HR-MAS) and solution-state NMR (J. Magn. Reson. 2012; 217:61-76). The goal is to take samples such as tissues, plants, cells, soils etc. in their natural fully swollen...
News from NMR blogs
07-07-2012 10:16 PM
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Postdoctoral Research Associate
We currently have an opening for a postdoctoral research associate to work on the structure and characterization of proteins using advanced NMR techniques. Primary responsibilities reside with our role in the Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium (NESG). These responsibilities involve the improvement and validation of structures using RDC and RCSA data, as well as the production of a number of biologically relevant protein structures. Our lab has strong programs in glycobiology and vesicle trafficking, and we anticipate opportunities to be involved...