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nmrlearner 10-11-2010 03:53 PM

Postdoc SSNMR
Postdoc SSNMR

Two postdoctoral positions for experimental solid state physics are open in the Laboratory for broadband nuclear magnetic resonance at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science Department of Physics.

The NMR team at the Physics Department, University of Zagreb is looking for experimental post-doctoral researcher for the development of broadband NMR instrumentation and research of correlated electronic systems.

The Solid State NMR Laboratory in Zagreb has been recently established for advanced broad-band NMR experiments within the FP7 Capacities – REGPOT programme. The laboratory is equipped with two spectrometers and a 12 tesla wide-bore fully sweepable magnet of medium homogeneity (10 ppm/cm3). Cryostats cover temperature range 1.5 K – 400 K with sample space 6.25 cm in diameter.

The members of the NMR team are mostly interested in strongly correlated electronic systems (high-Tc superconductors, magnetic materials, etc.), but we are also open for other proposals suitable for investigations with the given setup.

The postdocs are expected to contribute in the research activities of the NMR group, including eventual new proposal of his/her own, but also in further optimization of experimental setup and software development.

The contracts are one year long, each. Details on the Solid State NMR Laboratory at We look for:

* Enthusiasm and interest in problems of solid state physics, and in development of scientific instrumentation.
* Good communications skills and readiness for teamwork.
* Experience in experimental NMR would be advantageous.

Applications should include a CV, references and a statement of interests.
More details about the job position by e-mail

Link to Euraxess:

University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science
Department of Physics, Laboratory for Solid-state NMR


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