Postdoctoral position in membrane protein structural biology with NMR A postdoctoral position is available in the group of Prof. Sebastian Hiller at the Biozentrum of the University Basel. We are studying structure, function and folding of integral membrane proteins and their complexes using solution and solid-state NMR, as well as complementary biophysical methods. Our projects generally address fundamental biological systems of high impact. The postdoctoral research project concerns the structure determination of a membrane protein complex using solution NMR as the main technique. Subsequently, the functioning of the protein complex and its interactions with substrates are characterized. An integral part of our projects is the use and development of state-of-the-art preparative, biochemical and NMR techniques. Interested candidates need a Ph.D. in Biochemistry, Biophysics, Structural or Molecular Biology or related fields. Expertise in at least one of the following areas is mandatory: NMR, protein biochemistry, membrane proteins, molecular biology. The successful candidate is highly motivated, creative and capable of independent research in a team environment. Communication skills in oral and written English are essential. The position and the research projects are long-term funded by the European Research Commission and the Swiss National Science Foundation. We offer an exciting and enthusiastic work environment with scientific collaborations in the institute and worldwide. The Biozentrum Basel is one of the leading biomedical research institutions in Switzerland and has recently been placed among the Top 10 international “Best Places to Work for Postdocs” by The Scientist magazine. Facilities for structural biology include 600, 700 and 800 MHz Bruker spectrometers equipped with cryogenic and magic angle spinning probes. Salary and benefits are attractive, following the guidelines of the Swiss National Science Foundation. The start date is available as of immediately or on mutual agreement. Applications and informal queries about the lab and research projects should be directed by email to Sebastian Hiller. Applications must include a letter of motivation summarizing current and future research interests, a CV, list of publications and contact information for at least two references. Prof. Sebastian Hiller SNSF Professor Biozentrum, University of Basel Klingelbergstrasse 50/70 4056 Basel, Switzerland Email:
An opening exists at the University of Georgia for a postdoctoral associate to work on structural characterization of proteins using advanced NMR techniques. Primary responsibilities reside with our role in the Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium (NESG). These responsibilities involve structure improvement and validation of structures using RDC and RCSA data, as well as the production of a number of biologically relevant protein structures. Our lab also has strong programs in the glycobiology and vesicle trafficking areas, and we anticipate opportunities to be involved...
Job marketplace
01-11-2012 04:10 PM
Post-Doc Position at CEA-Saclay (Paris) in NMR / MRI instrumentation
A one-year post-doctoral position is available to join the group of Dr. Dimitris Sakellariou at the Laboratory of Structure and Dynamics by Magnetic Resonance at the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission of Saclay in Paris. Our focus is primarily directed at developing a novel instrumentation for in vivo Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Spectroscopy (MRS) of complex matter and small animals. The project is funded by the European Research Council for the next two years.
The duration...
Job marketplace
01-11-2012 04:10 PM
In connection with a collaboration agreement with Janssen Pharmaceutica,
Beerse, Belgium, the University of Liege has a postdoctoral vacancy available.
We are looking for a highly motivated individual with a sound understanding of
ssNMR theory and extensive experience in implementing, setting up, running,
processing and evaluating ssNMR experiments, preferably in the context of
pharmaceutical applications. The successful candidate will be responsible for
setting-up a ssNMR research environment suitable for pharmaceutical
Job marketplace
01-11-2012 04:10 PM
A two-year post-doc position is available in the field of Solid State NMR
At: Nano-SiSTeMI Interdisciplinary Centre, University of Piemonte Orientale
Where: Alessandria, Italy; Milan, Italy
Task: The aim of the project, in collaboration with Bruker (Italy) is to develop,
Job marketplace
01-11-2012 04:10 PM
A postdoc position on protein-ligand interactions and fragment-based drug design by NMR is available at the Helmholtz Zentrum München
Job Details
The candidate will be responsible for characterizing protein-ligand interactions and implementing fragment-based approaches by NMR spectroscopy for the identification and optimization of small molecule inhibitors targeting disease-linked pathways. The scientist will be working in the group of Michael Sattler at the...
Job marketplace
01-11-2012 04:10 PM
Structural studies of Vpx, the accessory protein of the HIV-2
We are looking for a candidate to apply for a 2 years postdoctoral position in
the Laboratory of Biological NMR and Crystallography at the University Paris
Descartes. The project will aim to determine the structure of the Vpx protein
(112 amino acids) and of its complexes with inhibitors identified after
screening of small compound libraries, using high-field multidimensional NMR
and Molecular Modeling. HIV-2 is the second leading cause of AIDS in humans and
Job marketplace
07-20-2011 10:24 PM
PhD (6) - Postdoc (5)
PhD (6) - Postdoc (5)
Large investment in UltraSense NMR for Analyses, screening and diagnostics.
UltraSense NMR is a large research and development programme, granted by EFRO(EU) and GO, in cooperation between science and business. The project will be run by a consortium between Radboud University Nijmegen: Institute of Molecules and Materials, UMC St. Radboud, University of Twente and 3 knowledge companies: Future Chemistry, Spinnovation Analytical and NovioGendix. Goal of the project is to develop hyperpolarisation equipment and strategies based on both physical (DNP) and chemical...
Job marketplace
04-07-2011 11:40 PM
Umeå University - with its 33,500 students and over 4,200 employees - is an organisation in constant change and development. Umeå University conducts groundbreaking research within several areas - several in which we are among the best in the world - within others regarded as the leaders in Sweden. We are one of Sweden’s largest providers of education and offer a broad and attractive range of courses and programmes. Our campus constitutes an inspiring environment for everyone that studies and works here. We wish to co-operate with companies and organisations throughout the Umeå...