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nmrlearner 01-18-2012 06:55 PM

PhD projects
PhD projects

4 year PhD studentships in Translational Medicine are available at the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) at Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust (GSTFT) and King’s College London (KCL). Excerpts from the call are copied below while the full call can be found here:

The BRC’s new 4 Year PhD Studentship programme represents an innovative approach to supporting the most promising graduates to undertake in depth postgraduate training in translational research leading to the award of a PhD. To facilitate training in Translational Medicine, students will have dual supervision by one clinician/clinical scientist and one basic scientist. The programme is designed to allow students to broaden their knowledge of translational research by undertaking three laboratory rotations and core training modules during Year 1. Applicants will select their choice of potential PhD projects from the BRC Studentship project list posted on the BRC website. This training period will help prepare students in the relevant research methodologies and/or develop the necessary understanding of the project area relevant to the final PhD project, to be undertaken during Years 2-4.

PhD Students will become full time students of King’s College London, and members of the BRC Faculty of Translational Medicine. Students will have access to core facilities, write up areas, bioinformatics and training support via the BRC resource centre.

Under this PhD Studentship programme call, the BRC are seeking to appoint up to 10 PhD Students to undertake translational biomedical research in a scientific area covered by the Centre. Funding under this scheme provides:

1) a stipend of £20,191 per annum for 4 years, which should also be used to cover MRes and PhD registration/tuition fees at the UK student rate.

2) a £2,000 contribution towards laboratory rotation expenses in year 1.

3) a £5,000 per annum consumables budget for years 2-4.

Available projects include a number focussed on the translatable application of magnetic resonance including a cluster of Magnetic Resonance Imaging based projects while our own group offers a project in the area of NMR metabolomics.

Applicants should have or expect to obtain a first-class or upper second-class degree or equivalent and have a track record in academic excellence. Previous research experience is desirable. Additional eligibility criteria for entry into the KCL graduate programme is detailed on the online postgraduate prospectus which can be accessed via the following link

Applications to the BRC should be made by electronic submission to include the following:

1) A two page CV

2) A covering letter setting out clearly which THREE BRC projects the applicant is most interested in applying for (the list of available projects is available at ). These should be ranked in priority order 1-3, with projects ranking 1 being the candidate’s 1st choice.

Applications should be emailed to by the deadline below.

The deadline for receipt of applications under this scheme is 5pm on Monday 30 January 2012. A structured visit to the BRC at Guy’s Hospital and interviews for shortlisted candidates has been provisionally scheduled for 13-14 February 2012 in the BRC on the guy’s Hospital Campus of KCL. All applicants should make a note of these interview dates, since it is likely that candidates shortlisted for interview will be notified only the week before. Successful applicants are expected to take up their studentships in October 2012.


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