PhD position France
PhD position France
A PhD position is available at Rennes, France (collaboration between INRA-APBV (Yield under abiotic stress) and Cemagref (IRM-Food)). The project concerns in particular the update of the cellular and metabolic events which contribute to the reallocation of nitrogenous and carbon from senescing leaf tissues in order to define the mains determinants and to improve their efficiency. The ambition based on the two laboratories collaboration is to associate a fine analysis at the cellular level of the structural organization of leaf tissues by an original approach of NMR...
Job marketplace
04-08-2011 11:42 AM
Postdoc France
Postdoc France
The biomolecular NMR research group of Dr. Eric Guittet ( at the Institut de Chimie des Substances Naturelles in Gif-sur-Yvette, suburb of Paris (France), is looking to recruit Master students, PhD students and postdocs from all nationalities.
Our laboratory uses modern NMR techniques to decipher the molecular mechanisms underlying biological functions for a variety of systems involving proteins such as enzymes, unfolded proteins and macromolecular complexes. We are also interested in structure-based drug design and in developing new...
Job marketplace
01-12-2011 01:45 PM
Marie-Curie funded studentships / postdoc positions at Weizmann
Marie-Curie funded studentships / postdoc positions at Weizmann
In connection to the recent signing of the FP7 Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) METAFLUX - Metabolic Flux Analysis and Cancer, I am looking to hire suitable Ph.D. students or post-doctoral researchers in support of work to be carried out at Weizmann within the 2011-2015 calendar years. These hirings are mainly aimed at citizens of the European Union and/or Associate Member states, who qualify for a full employment contract along with mobility, travel and career development allowances. These are salaries fundable...
Job marketplace
12-28-2010 05:29 PM
PhD position in Strasbourg
PhD position in Strasbourg
The Membrane Biophysics and NMR team at the Chemistry Institute of the University of Strasbourg is looking for a Doctoral Student with Master or Diploma degree in Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Biochemistry or Biophysics.
The prospective candidate will work on a project where the structural basis of highly selective interactions between a membrane-anchored polypeptide and lipids are studied using a variety of biophysical approaches including optical-, multidimensional solution- and solid-state NMR spectroscopies. Sample preparation will be performed by...
Job marketplace
12-01-2010 08:36 PM
Post-doctoral positions in Strasbourg/Illkirch
Post-doctoral positions in Strasbourg/Illkirch
Post-doctoral program in molecular Biophysics
Biomolecular NMR group of IGBMC
Illkirch near Strasbourg (France)
The group of biomolecular NMR is seeking several hihgly motivated researcher to fullfill three post-doctoral and engineer positions in the fields of RNA/protein interactions and NMR/MS signal processing.