[Question from NMRWiki Q&A forum] Learning pulse programming
Learning pulse programming
I'm a grad student with no prior experience in pulse programming. Currently I work in rodent MRI. I want to be able to implement some of the sequences I read about in papers and I'd like to know the best way to get started with pulse programming. I read the manual parts on pulse programming and method programming. While the cover the all the syntax,etc. really well they don't really provide any general concepts. For instance, the manual will tell you how to set a delay (e.g. d0 or 1.2u) but not why you should use a particular delay, power level, etc.
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Re: Is there still an nmrpipe manual?
Re: Is there still an nmrpipe manual?
These pages might be useful: lists of processing options: http://www.nmrscience.com/ref/nmrpipe/ list of programs: http://www.nmrscience.com/ref/prog/ list of
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10-26-2010 08:48 PM
[NMRpipe Yahoo group] Is there still an nmrpipe manual?
Is there still an nmrpipe manual?
Years ago I remember referring to an alphabetical (hard copy) command reference when I wanted clarification of some aspect of pipe processing. Does such still