[KPWU blog] Agilent?s VnmrJ 3.2 implements NMRPipe
Agilent?s VnmrJ 3.2 implements NMRPipe
As just announced at the Agilent’s web blog “SPINSIGHTS”, the coming VnmrJ 3.2 will provide complete implementation of NMRPipe. This will be very useful for most of biomolecular NMR users. *I always run NMRPipe on the console linux to preview the 2D HSQC or some 3D data and direct compare to some data I already http://stats.wordpress.com/b.gif?host=kpwu.wordpress.com&blog=76132&post=581&subd=kpwu&ref=&feed=1
Go to KPWU blog to read complete post.
[Question from NMRWiki Q&A forum] vnmrj data
vnmrj data
Could you please give information about the standred reference values of LINEAR PRIDICTION FORWRAD BACKWORD during the processing of 3D data NMR DATA when the sinebell shift value is needed and which wieghting function and Shall use it everytime this weighting function to get good contours or signal on VNMRJ software
Thanking You in anticipation
[Question from NMRWiki Q&A forum] VNMRJ "No data in data file"
VNMRJ "No data in data file"
I'm trying to display a 3D Varian file in VNMRJ. I can see values in the fid file (using the "od" utility) and convert the file to NMRPipe format. When I try to process the file in VNMRJ I get the message "No data in data file." I'd appreciate any suggestions on how to proceed.
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01-18-2011 02:44 AM
[Question from NMRWiki Q&A forum] data processing by nmrPipe
data processing by nmrPipe
Hi all,I am very new to nmrPipe. I want to achieve the following steps. It would be very kind if somebody helps.(1) I have a 2D bruker data (t2= 4k points, t1= 32 points) and I want to do Fourier transform in the F2 dimension,phase etc. (2) and then extract the 32 spectra as 1Ds and also convert these 32 spectra in ascii format.(3) fit the peaks with a gaussian or Lorentzian function.(4) integrate the peak and save the integrals and time points as an ascii file.I only managed till the 1st step.Please help..!!
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