NMR wisdom:NMR Commercial Companies
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Commercial Companies - Norell, Inc - is dedicated to the advancement of NMR Spectroscopy by producing world-class NMR sample tubes. We conduct research and development, use state-of-the-art equipment and review our methods of operation in a never- ending effort to continually improve the quality of the products and services we offer.
- Gilson 215 Liquid Handler
Just right for that BEST/LC probe you just bought
- Minspec
Table top low resolution NMR. For QA labs, the food, plastics, polymer, petroleum, and pharmaceuticals industry use.
- GMW Associates
A supplier of magnet power supplies. These guys have some interesting magnetic field measuring devices. Magnetic and current measurement, electromagnets, control and accelerator systems (vibration measurements).
- Cryostats for NMR open and closed cycle systems
Advanced Research Systems supplies Displex and Heli-tran open and closed cycle cryostats for research and development in NMR as well as other areas of low temperature research.
- Legris
Legris fittings for air and liquid connections on your Bruker and Varian system. Connectors for compressed air and fluid applications (low and high pressure) and fittings, valves, couplers, tubes and hoses.
- Acorn NMR
Offers desktop NMR data processing software and operates a high resolution NMR spectroscopy service in Fremont CA. Includes the SAM manual.
- SpinCore Technologies, Inc.
Pulse programmer board, very useful and very versatile.
- Magnex Scientific
The design and manufacture of NMR magnets.
- Programmed Test Sources
PTS makes frequency sources. For all types of NMR systems.
- Wiley NMR Books
A large list of Books about NMR.
- Resonance Research
Magnet services, cryoshims instrumentation, cryo-power supplies, gradient coils, gradient amplifiers and magnetic field mapping.
- Resonance Instruments Ltd
Developer and manufacturer of benchtop NMR and MRI systems. Consoles and modules are also available.
- Anasazi Instruments, Inc. NMR
Cost effective FT-NMR instruments for education and industry
- DRUSCH NMR: magnetic field measurement
DRUSCH is supplier of test- and field measurement equipment applying NMR methods
- MµShield Magnetic Shielding
Magnetic Shield Design and Manufacturing. Monitor Enclosures designed to eliminate EMI, technical notes, heat treating.
- METROLAB Instruments
NMR precision measurement and control of magnetic fields. They use teslameters, digital integrators, nmr, metrolab instruments, hall, and magnetometers to measure magnetic fields.
- Magnetic Resonance Services, Inc.
Repairs NMR systems and sells refurbished systems.
- LipoScience, Inc.
A Medical Technology Company, uses NMR spectroscopy to measure lipoprotein subclasses in clinical blood samples.
- Microvolt Company
Instruments to measure EMI or RFI in a NMR laboratory.
- Morris Instruments Inc.
Probe tuning devices, includes a RF sweeper and a built in reflection bridge. For use up to 610 MHz. It can be used to tune probes, and check other RF characteristics of components and cables
- Adiabatics, Inc
GoNMR is a software package for data acqusition and processing. It is supposed to make VNMR (Varian softwrae) much easier to use for the beginner and the expert, for routine day-to-day uses.
- High Field NMR Systems
These guys make patient tables, RF front ends and entire spectrometers.
- Spectral Data Services
A great link list to hardware companies. - Links to NMR Equipment and Supplies
- LabX
Used NMR systems and accessories for sale or auction.
- Bruker almanac
Product descriptions. From NMR to MS.
- International Equipment Trading Ltd
International Equipment Trading Ltd. sells refurbished NMR spectrometers with service contracts
Instrument Service
- http://www.mrr.com/
Remanufactured NMR systems, NMR, MRI parts and service.
- Horizon Instrument Group
Provides design, maintenance, service and repair support for NMR systems.
- Triangle Analytical, Inc.
A provider of service and repair facilities for the magnetic resonance community. NMR and MRI magnets, consoles and probes up to 600 MHz can be refurbished, tested and installed.
- Analytical Consulting
NMR instrumentation service provider. Offers repair of Bruker, Varian, and GE solution-state spectrometers and Bruker imaging systems. Also provides operator training and applications assistance and training. Repairs and sources hard-to-find floppy and hard disk drives.
Magnet Charging
- Lake Shore Cryotronics
Superconducting magnet charging power supplies.
- American Magnetics, Inc.
AMI manufactures superconducting magnet systems and cryogenic level instrumentation, and power supplies for charging the magnets.
- Cryomagnetics
SPS-Series Power Supplies for Superconducting Magnets
- Magnavolt
Magnet power supplies, linear controlled from +/-6.5V to +/-350V, +/-0.1A to +/-120A. Fast programmable, constant current, continuous zero crossing, 4-quadrant operation.
- Advanced Materials Technologies Ltd,
AMT, supplies stable isotopes, deuterated solvents and high purity materials for medical and chemical research.
- Cambridge Isotope Laboratories
(CIL) A producer of stable isotope labeled compounds and stable isotope separations.
- Center of Molecular Research
Representative of a Russian producer of Oxygen-18 water situated in Saint Petersburg
- Chemgas
Chemgas supplies high purity rare gases and isotopically enriched gases.
- CNL Scientific Resources, Inc.
A supplier of isotopes, metals, crystals and other engineered materials to manufacturers of pharmaceuticals and instruments.
- Gamma Radiation Sources
CNEA (Argentina's nuclear energy agency) produces qualified cobalt-60 sources for irradiation plants and for medical use.
- Gas Oils JSC
Manufactures carbon 13 labeled carbon dioxide using lasers.
- Hyox18
Isotope O18 enriched water used to produce fluoro-deoxyglucose for PET.
- 2M Group, LLC
Supplier of isotopic, metallic, chemical and optical materials.
- International Isotope Society
The IIS provides a forum for all chemists involved in radiochemical synthesis and analysis to obtain and share information outside of their immediate area of employment and expertise.
- International Isotopes Clearing House, Inc.
Catalog listing of radioisotopes, 14C- and 3H-labeled compounds for medical research, 33P- and 125I- available.
- Isoflex
Stable isotopes for use in science, medicine and industry from Russian producers.
- IsoSciences
Custom stable isotope labeling and small scale organic synthesis including the preparation of metabolites and PET precursors and standards.
- Isotec
A member of the Sigma-Aldrich family, manufacturer of stable isotope labeled compounds.
- Martek Biosciences
can supply isotopically enriched biochemicals
- MDS Nordion
Radioisotope technology used to prevent, diagnose and treat disease. Products and services include nuclear medicine, radiation therapy for cancer, irradiation sterilization and food irradiation.
- Moravek Radiochemicals
Manufacturer of tritium and carbon 14 labeled radiochemicals for AIDS and cancer research.
- Omicron Biochemicals Inc.
Supplier of single, multiple and uniform stable isotope labeled saccharides and nucleosides (13C, 2H, 15N, 18O).
- PerkinElmer Life and Analytical Sciences
Radiochemicals including radiolabeled ligands, P32, amino acids, macromolecules, microspheres, precursors, and radionuclides
- PicoTrace
Equipment for trace element and isotope analysis.
- Proftec
Supplier of pure Copper powder.
- Radioisotopes in Medicine
Stable and unstable isotopes are covered.
A producer and worldwide supplier of radioisotope products for science, industry, and medicine. Product list includes radiation sources, labelled compounds, stable isotopes, and radiopreparations.
- Spectra Gases
Specialty gases for high technology markets. Our core business is pure gases and gas mixtures for excimer lasers and lamps. Isotopic en-richment of gases for research.
- Stable Isotope Suppliers An extensive list compiled by The University of Vermont.
- STB Isotopes
Stable isotopes for science, medicine and industry, a list of some rare and unusual stable isotopes.
- Techsnabexport
Supplier of Russian-produced radioisotopes and labeled compounds.
- The National Stable Isotope Resource at Los Alamos
The National Stable Isotope Resource (SIR) advances biomedical applications of compounds labeled with the stable isotopes 13C, 15N, 17, 18O, 33, 34S, and 77Se.
- U.S. DOE Isotope Production and Distribution
U.S. Department of Energy isotopes catalog. Quite an extensive list.
- U.S. DOE Isotope Programs
Information about U.S. Department of Energy production of isotopes programs.
- ViTrax Radiochemicals
Manufactures Tritium, Carbon-14, and Sulfur-35 radiolabeled products and offers custom radiosynthesis under cGMP.
- Wellington Laboratories
Produces 12C and 13C halogenated reference standards of environmental concern, including chlorinated and brominated dioxins, furans, biphenyls and diphenyl ethers. Includes corporate and product details, online catalog and contacts.
Analytical Laboratories
- MBL Stable Isotope Laboratory Providing stable isotope services for research and industry. The lab includes both a Dual-Inlet and a Continuous-Flow Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer Systems for the measurement of Carbon 13 and Nitrogen 15 on various types of samples.
- Stable Isotope Lab Home
The Stable Isotope Lab studies past and present climate change.
- The Center for Applied Isotope Studies
The Center for Applied Isotope Studies (CAIS), University of Georgia is an organization dedicated to research in nuclear analytical methods and systems technology.
- UCDavis Stable Isotope Facility
UCDavis Stable Isotope Facility. Analysis of stable isotopes of several light elements [H,C,N,O].
NMR Solvents
Quite a large listing of deuterated compounds and Carbon-13 and Nitrogen-15 labelled compounds. In English or German or French.
- Cambridge Isotope Laboratories
Manufacturer of stable isotope labeled compounds and some fine deuterated solvents too.
- Isotec
Makes some of the most unique and novel labeled compounds
- Medical Isotopes, Inc.
Nearly a complete line of enriched biochemicals. Nice selection of fatty acids, enriched with C13.
- NMR Shift Reagents
Supplier of NMR shift reagents
- Silantes GmbH
Stable isotope labeled biopolymers (H2, C13, N15)
Created by ale51, 02-10-2005 at 03:11 PM
Last edited by markber, 08-21-2010 at 06:24 AM
Last comment by arvin on 12-15-2009 at 09:57 AM
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