Created by ale51, 01-24-2005 at 04:58 AM
Last edited by ale51, 08-21-2010 at 06:50 AM
Last comment by ZMM on 08-23-2006 at 04:46 PM 2 Comments, 119,766 Views
ZMM is a molecular modeling and simulation program for
theoretical studies of systems of any complexity: small molecules, peptides,
proteins, nucleic acids, and ligand-receptor complexes. ZMM searches optimal
structures in the space of generalized coordinates: torsion angles, bond
angles, bond lengths, positions free molecules and ions, and orientation of
free molecules. Any generalized coordinate may be kept fixed. Molecules and
fragments that are not expected to undergo significant conformational changes
may be treated as rigid bodies. ZMM includes a Graphical User Interface (MVM)
that is as easy to use as RASMOL or PYMOL. ZMM allows user to use it for 6
months without registration. It is a commerical software.
MVM is a molecular viewer that can be used to display protein, nucleic
acids, oligosacharides, small and macromolecules. It has an intuitive
interface. In addition to being a molecular viewer, it is the user interface of a very
powerful molecular mechanics engine (ZMM). (MVM is a freeware).
ZMM runs on Windows 95, 98, 2000, XP, UNIX, and Linux. It can be used via
the command-line interface and at Windows PC via a graphical user interface ( MVM).
Originally posted by ale51@Jan 23 2005, 09:58 PM Molecular Modeling