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Unread 03-25-2005, 07:49 AM
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EMBO Practical Course: Structure determination of biological macromolecules by solution NMR

Wed Sep 7 - Wed Sep 14 2005

Info about EMBO NMR Practical Course from its official website:

  • Blackledge - RDCs, relaxation
  • Delaglio - NMRPIPE, TALOS
  • Griesinger - NMR experiments / theory
  • Guentert - structure calculation
  • Mott - processing, data analysis
  • Nietlisbach - NMR experiments/phase cycling/gradients
  • Pervushin - TROSY, large proteins
  • Schwalbe - NMR experiments, folding
  • Simon - NMR experiments / assignments
  • Tjandra - RDCs, relaxation
  • Vuister - NMR, J-couplings, structure validation
The intention of the course is to provide practical training in important aspects of structure determination by NMR. The emphasis will be on setting up experiments on the spectrometer (optimizing parameters, pulse programs), on processing and analyzing the NMR data and on structure calculations. It is impossible to also teach all the necessary theoretical background of modern NMR experiments in a few days. Therefore, the course is aimed at PhD students and postdocs who have some working knowledge of NMR theory, i.e. product operator formalism, and who understand the basic principles of NMR pulse sequences. Possible candidates should have the level of knowledge of students that have participated in a past "Advanced NMR" EMBO lecture course on NMR theory organized by Kaptein, Oschkinat and Griesinger.

NMR has established itself as an important method for solution structure determination of biological macromolecules at atomic resolution and is unique in extracting dynamical information on biological macromolecules over a large range of timescales. The EMBO Practical Courses on that topic organized by us in 1999, 2001 and 2003 are the only ones emphasizing practical aspects of NMR based structure determination in a hands-on fashion, i.e. by setting up experiments at the spectrometer and performing structure calculations. In that respect, we see this practical course as complementary to the “Advanced NMR” EMBO lecture course.
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