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Default [NMR] postdoctoral position in solid-state NMR of proteins

From The DNP-NMR Blog:

[NMR] postdoctoral position in solid-state NMR of proteins


We have an opening for a postdoc to join our group at University of Massachusetts Amherst, to use solid-state NMR and other biophysical methods to study the structure and dynamics of bacterial chemotaxis receptor protein complexes. This NIH-funded project combines biochemical methods to assemble and characterize native-like functional complexes of these proteins in defined signaling states, with a variety of biophysical methods including solid-state NMR and hydrogen exchange mass spectrometry to determine what changes are involved in signal propagation. See for example our recent publications:

We are especially interested in individuals with
- enthusiastic interest in mechanistic studies of membrane proteins and protein complexes
- experience with protein expression and purification
- experience with solid-state NMR of proteins

Our lab is part of an interactive community of research groups working with a suite of instruments recently purchased by the new UMass Institute for Applied Life Sciences in the NMR Facility, Biophysical Characterization Facility, and other Core Facilities. UMass Amherst is located along with 4 other colleges in the Pioneer Valley of western Massachusetts, a great place to live and work, and centrally located about 3 hours from New York and 2 hours from Boston.

To apply, candidates should send the following to
- A cover letter that describes your relevant experience, research interests, and career goals.
- CV including the names and contact information of 2-3 references

Lynmarie K Thompson, PhD
Department of Chemistry, 122 LGRT
University of Massachusetts Amherst
710 North Pleasant St.
Amherst, MA 01003-9336

Office LGRT 864: 413-545-0827
Lab LGRT 820: 413-545-4983

Director, Chemistry Biology Interface Training Program

Molecular and Cellular Biology:
Institute for Applied Life Sciences:

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