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Default Quantitative analysis of molecular transport across liposomal bilayer by J-mediated 13C Overhauser dynamic nuclear polarization

From The DNP-NMR Blog:

Quantitative analysis of molecular transport across liposomal bilayer by J-mediated 13C Overhauser dynamic nuclear polarization

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Cheng, C.Y., O.J. Goor, and S. Han, Quantitative analysis of molecular transport across liposomal bilayer by J-mediated 13C Overhauser dynamic nuclear polarization. Anal Chem, 2012. 84(21): p. 8936-40.

We introduce a new NMR technique to dramatically enhance the solution-state (13)C NMR sensitivity and contrast at 0.35 T and at room temperature by actively transferring the spin polarization from Overhauser dynamic nuclear polarization (ODNP)-enhanced (1)H to (13)C nuclei through scalar (J) coupling, a method that we term J-mediated (13)C ODNP. We demonstrate the capability of this technique by quantifying the permeability of glycine across negatively charged liposomal bilayers composed of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol (DPPG). The permeability coefficient of glycine across this DPPC/DPPG bilayer is measured to be (1.8 +/- 0.1) x 10(-11)m/s, in agreement with the literature value. We further observed that the presence of 20 mol % cholesterol within the DPPC/DPPG lipid membrane significantly retards the permeability of glycine by a factor of 4. These findings demonstrate that the high sensitivity and contrast of J-mediated (13)C ODNP affords the measurement of the permeation kinetics of small hydrophilic molecules across lipid bilayers, a quantity that is difficult to accurately measure with existing techniques.
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