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Unread 03-19-2017, 10:38 PM
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Default Probing conformational dynamics in biomolecules via chemical exchange saturation transfer: a primer

Probing conformational dynamics in biomolecules via chemical exchange saturation transfer: a primer


Although Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) type NMR experiments have been used to study chemical exchange processes in molecules since the early 1960s, there has been renewed interest in the past several years in using this approach to study biomolecular conformational dynamics. The methodology is particularly powerful for the study of sparsely populated, transiently formed conformers that are recalcitrant to investigation using traditional biophysical tools, and it is complementary to relaxation dispersion and magnetization transfer experiments that have traditionally been used to study chemical exchange processes. Here we discuss the concepts behind the CEST experiment, focusing on practical aspects as well, we review some of the pulse sequences that have been developed to characterize protein and RNA conformational dynamics, and we discuss a number of examples where the CEST methodology has provided important insights into the role of dynamics in biomolecular function.

Source: Journal of Biomolecular NMR
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