From The DNP-NMR Blog:
Using signal amplification by reversible exchange (SABRE) to hyperpolarise 119Sn and 29Si NMR nuclei
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Olaru, A.M., et al., Using signal amplification by reversible exchange (SABRE) to hyperpolarise 119Sn and 29Si NMR nuclei. Chem Commun (Camb), 2016. 52(100): p. 14482-14485.
The hyperpolarisation of the 119Sn and 29Si nuclei in 5-(tributylstannyl)pyrimidine (ASn) and 5-(trimethylsilyl)pyrimidine (BSi) is achieved through their reaction with [IrCl(COD)(IMes)] (1a) or [IrCl(COD)(SIMes)] (1b) and parahydrogen via the SABRE process. 1a exhibits superior activity in both cases. The two inequivalent pyrimidine proton environments of ASn readily yielded signal enhancements totalling approximately 2300-fold in its 1H NMR spectrum at a field strength of 9.4 T, with the corresponding 119Sn signal being 700 times stronger than normal. In contrast, BSi produced analogous 1H signal gains of approximately 2400-fold and a 29Si signal that could be detected with a signal to noise ratio of 200 in a single scan. These sensitivity improvements allow NMR detection within seconds using micromole amounts of substrate and illustrate the analytical potential of this approach for high-sensitivity screening. Furthermore, after extended reaction times, a series of novel iridium trimers of general form [Ir(H)2Cl(NHC)(mu-pyrimidine-kappaN:kappaN')]3 precipitate from these solutions whose identity was confirmed crystallographically for BSi.
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