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Unread 12-29-2016, 09:23 PM
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Default Effect of PEG Architecture on the Hybridization Thermodynamics and Protein Accessibility of PEGylated Oligonucleotides

Effect of PEG Architecture on the Hybridization Thermodynamics and Protein Accessibility of PEGylated Oligonucleotides

PEGylation is an attractive approach to modifying oligonucleotides intended for therapeutic purposes. PEG conjugation reduces protein interactions with the oligonucleotide, and helps to overcome their intrinsic biopharmaceutical shortcomings, such as poor enzymatic stability, rapid body clearance, and unwanted immunostimulation. However, the effect of PEG architecture and the manner in which the PEG component interferes with the hybridization of the oligonucleotide remain poorly understood. In this study, we systematically compare the hybridization thermodynamics and protein accessibility of several DNA conjugates involving linear, Y-shaped, and brush-type PEG. It is found that PEGylated DNA experiences two opposing effects: local excluded volume effect and chemical interactions, the strengths of which are architecture-dependent. Notably, the brush architecture is able to offer significantly greater protein shielding capacity than its linear or Y-shaped counterparts, while maintaining nearly identical free energy for DNA hybridization compared with free DNA.Opposing effects: The hybridization thermodynamics and protein accessibility of a series of PEG–DNA conjugates were compared. The DNA was found to experience two effects from the PEG component: an excluded volume effect and a chemical interaction effect, which work in opposite directions on duplex stability and are polymer-architecture-dependent.

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