From The DNP-NMR Blog:
Experimental tests of a 263 GHz gyrotron for spectroscopic applications and diagnostics of various media
Glyavin, M.Y., et al., Experimental tests of a 263 GHz gyrotron for spectroscopic applications and diagnostics of various media. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2015. 86(5): p. 054705.
A 263 GHz continuous-wave (CW) gyrotron was developed at the IAP RAS for future applications as a microwave power source in Dynamic Nuclear Polarization / Nuclear magnetic resonance(DNP/NMR) spectrometers. A new experimental facility with a computerized control was built to test this and subsequent gyrotrons. We obtained the maximum CW power up to 1 kW in the 15 kV/0.4 A operation regime. The power about 10 W, which is sufficient for many spectroscopicapplications, was realized in the low current 14 kV/0.02 A regime. The possibility of frequencytuning by variation of the coolant temperature about 4 MHz/1 °C was demonstrated. The spectral width of the gyrotron radiation was about 10-6.
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