Molecular composition of recycled organic wastes, as determined by solid-state (13)C NMR and elemental analyses.
Molecular composition of recycled organic wastes, as determined by solid-state (13)C NMR and elemental analyses.
Waste Manag. 2013 Jul 26;
Authors: Eldridge SM, Chen CR, Xu ZH, Nelson PN, Boyd SE, Meszaros I, Chan KY
Using solid state (13)C NMR data and elemental composition in a molecular mixing model, we estimated the molecular components of the organic matter in 16 recycled organic (RO) wastes representative of the major materials generated in the Sydney basin area. Close correspondence was found between the measured NMR signal intensities and those predicted by the model for all RO wastes except for poultry manure char. Molecular nature of the organic matter differed widely between the RO wastes. As a proportion of organic C, carbohydrate C ranged from 0.07 to 0.63, protein C from