Thread: Postdoc at DKFZ
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Unread 07-25-2012, 08:49 AM
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Default Postdoc at DKFZ

Postdoc at DKFZ

The Cancer Drug Development group is seeking a postdoctoral NMR specialist to run and maintain two Bruker NMR instruments (400 and 600 MHz). A number of research groups within the DKFZ require these instruments with needs ranging from the complete spectral assignment of natural products and stereochemically complex small molecules to in situ reaction monitoring and kinetic measurements. You will be responsible for designing, performing, and analyzing the experiments necessary for these studies. We would like to expand our capabilities to be able to study the interactions of small molecules with protein targets of interest in the context of drug discovery research.

Your profile:
You are a motivated and creative individual with a PhD or related experience in NMR spectroscopy, including hardware maintenance and upkeep with Bruker instrumentation and software. You are well versed with a variety of multi-dimensional experiments and can use the data thereby obtained to solve the structures of complex unknowns. Experience in studying small-molecule/protein binding is a big plus. Ability to communicate clearly and supervise technical assistants. Your application should include a CV with publication list, two letters of reference, a summary of your recent work, and copies of your University certificates.

Duration: The position is limited until August 31, 2014.
Compensation/Financing: E13, Grant funding
Contact: Dr. Aubry Miller, phone 06221 42-3307,[IMG]https:/[/IMG]

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