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Unread 01-11-2012, 04:10 PM
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Default Postdoctoral positions Spain

Postdoctoral positions Spain

PhD student and two Postdoctoral positions in Structural determination of protein complexes at the IRB Barcelona (SPAIN)

The protein NMR group of Dr. Maria J. Macias has openings for two positions, a PhD and a Postdoct, to conduct solution NMR and/or X-Ray studies of proteins and complexes. Applicants should have a degree in Chemistry, Biochemistry or related. For the Postdoctoral position experience in structural biology is required.
The offered positions correspond to the project named "Structural and functional studies on Smad transcription factors" (PI: Maria J. Macias)

A second Postdoctoral position is available for the project Synthesis of modified peptides and structural characterization of their interactions with pharmacologically relevant proteins. Synthesis of inhibitors (PIs: Maria J. Macias and Antoni Riera). For this position, experience in peptide chemistry and/or chemical ligation is of advantage, and no experience in molecular biology is required.
Applicants should send to or to their C. vitae, including a list of their publications, a cover letter explaining the candidate’s interest in the position and the names and contact details (including e-mails) of three individuals we may contact for reference letters.

Furthermore, applicants should be ready to apply for fellowships. Applications for the “la Caixa”/IRB Barcelona International PhD Programme Fellowships are now being accepted. The IRB Barcelona International Postdoctoral Programme co-funded by the FP7 Marie Curie-COFUND Programme is expected to be launched on 13 January 2012.

Pau Martín Malpartida
Protein NMR Lab.
Barcelona Science Park
Josep Samitier 1-5 08028 Barcelona, Spain
Tel : +34 93 4037190

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