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Unread 11-21-2011, 08:57 PM
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Default Postdoctoral position at St. Jude

Postdoctoral position at St. Jude

Dear colleagues,

a postdoctoral position is available immediately in my lab at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, TN, for a candidate motivated to pursue structure/function relationships of highly dynamic protein complexes in the ubiquitin pathway. The project focuses on the recognition of highly flexible proto-oncogenes by their cognate ubiquitin ligases and how dynamic interconversion of multiple bound states relates to function in health and disease. The successful candidate will use NMR spectroscopy, other biophysical and biochemical techniques to dissect the binding mechanism and establish structure/function relationships.

This position is an ideal opportunity for either (1) an experienced NMR spectroscopist who would like to complement his or her expertise with other, diverse tools for understanding protein complex function and mechanism, or (2) for an enzymologist/biophysicist interested in structural biology of dynamic protein complexes. The fellow would benefit from both the outstanding environment in the lab and the highly collaborative St. Jude community.

Candidates should have recently earned/expect to earn a Ph.D. in a related field, and should have experience in protein biochemistry, enzymology, biophysics, or NMR spectroscopy.

Supplemental Application Requirements
Mail Postdoc Application: No
Letter of Interest Required: No
Curriculum Vitae Required: Yes
Description of Research Interest Required: Yes
3 Letters of Recommendation Required: Yes
Outline of Past Accomplishments Required: No
Outline of Career Aspirations Required: No

For the add please see

Please send a CV and a brief description of research and career goals and arrange to have three letters of recommendation sent to

Tanja Mittag, PhD
Assistant Member
Structural Biology
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
262 Danny Thomas Place, MS 311
Danny Thomas Research Center, Room D1034F Memphis, TN 38105
office: (901) 595-6261
lab: (901) 595-6182

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