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Unread 07-20-2011, 10:24 PM
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Default Postdoctoral Position in biomolecular SSNMR spectroscopy in Grenoble (France)

Postdoctoral Position in biomolecular SSNMR spectroscopy in Grenoble (France)

The biomolecular NMR group at the Structural Biology Institute (IBS) in
Grenoble is looking for a highly motivated young researcher to join its team as
a post-doctoral researcher on a project funded by the French Research Funding
Agency ANR (project leader Paul Schanda). The project aims at the molecular
level understanding of the function and dynamics of large proteins, as well as
the development of novel solid-state NMR methods for studying dynamics. A
two-year contract is offered.

We are currently studying two biomolecular systems, (i) a large oligomeric
enzymatic assembly of several hundred kDa, and (ii) a membrane protein involved
in the transport of metabolites through membranes. Substrate entry and release,
binding of substrates and cofactors as well as the intrinsic dynamics in these
systems are central to function. We currently develop and apply innovative
solid-state NMR methods to probe protein dynamics in order to relate intrinsic
flexibility to function. We want to reinforce our team with an enthusiastic
postdoctoral researcher with a strong interest in NMR spectroscopy (and the
development thereof) and fundamental aspects of protein function.
The successful candidate will be working on a large enzymatic assembly, using
solid-state NMR methods, complemented by solution-state NMR, as well as on
development of solid-state NMR techniques to address protein dynamics.

Ideally, the successful candidate should have a PhD in chemistry, biochemistry,
biology or physics and experience in solid- or solution-state biomolecular NMR
spectroscopy. Experience in protein expression and purification is useful.

The laboratory hosts a 600MHz solid-state NMR spectrometer equipped with 3.2mm
and 1.6mm MAS probes as well as 600MHz and 800MHz spectrometers equipped with
cryogenic probes for solution-state NMR. It has access to the nearby 1 GHz NMR
spectrometer of the European high field NMR centre in Lyon. Applicants will
also have access to a fully equipped wetlab for preparation of isotopically
labeled NMR samples.

Grenoble is a pleasant city situated in the heart of the French alps, and has
one of Europe’s most vibrant structural biology communities centered around
the European Synchroton Radiation Facility (ESRF), the Laue Langevin Institute
(ILL), the Structural Biology Institute (IBS) and the EMBL Grenoble.

Applications and informal queries about the research projects and the lab
should be addressed by e-mail to Paul Schanda,
Please include in your application a recent CV, names and e-mail addresses of
potential references and a cover letter describing your research interest and
the motivation why you are interested in working with us.

Paul Schanda, Ph.D.
Biomolecular NMR group
Structural Biology Institute Grenoble
41, rue Jules Horowitz
F-38027 Grenoble

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