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Unread 04-08-2011, 11:42 AM
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Default PhD position France

PhD position France

A PhD position is available at Rennes, France (collaboration between INRA-APBV (Yield under abiotic stress) and Cemagref (IRM-Food)). The project concerns in particular the update of the cellular and metabolic events which contribute to the reallocation of nitrogenous and carbon from senescing leaf tissues in order to define the mains determinants and to improve their efficiency. The ambition based on the two laboratories collaboration is to associate a fine analysis at the cellular level of the structural organization of leaf tissues by an original approach of NMR relaxometry with the concomitant description of the metabolic orientation of products stemming from organels and macromolecules degradation by metabolomic approaches. We will be also testing the validity of the NMR analysis as an efficient integrative tool to characterize senescing tissues and as an effective means of diagnostic and medium throughput phenotyping tool of stress conditions.

The project is highly interdisciplinary and will combine NMR for identification of water in different cell parts with cell biology techniques (non aqueous sub-cellular fractionnation, sub-cellular metabolic profiling, TEM, leaf senescence characterisation (molecular pysiological and biochemical markers).

Applications close - 15 Juin 2011.

Interested applicants should contact Dr Maja Musse ( or Dr Laurent Leport ( directly by submitting their CV.

Maja Musse, PhD
NMR/MRI group
Food process engineering research unit Cemagref
17, avenue de Cucillé
CS 64427
35044 Rennes cédex
tél : 02 23 48 21 79
fax : 02 23 48 21 15

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