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Unread 03-22-2011, 07:32 PM
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Default Research Associate / Project Scientist

Research Associate / Project Scientist

A position for a Project Scientist is available in the Knowledge Centre for Materials Chemistry (KCMC, at the University of Manchester. The role is focused on the development and delivery of a capability to use diffusion NMR to investigate the dynamic behaviour of colloids and nanomaterials in aqueous dispersions. This work would be done in collaboration with external sponsors including industry, charities and research councils.Candidates should hold a PhD in chemistry or materials science, and a strong research track record in NMR spectroscopy and specifically in diffusion NMR, the related data analysis, and the use of these techniques to investigate the association and behaviour of molecular assemblies in liquid media. Experience in colloid and surface science is also required. Experience of working with industry is desirableThe successful candidate will be working as part of a large research team and will be expected to communicate results at project meetings, in written reports and to industrial sponsors. Short-term projects will be based on a number of clearly defined goals that must be delivered in a timely manner. We therefore seek highly motivated candidates with excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to interact with persons at all levels within the academic and business communities, and who would enjoy working in a challenging environment and interacting with industry. The position will be particularly suited to candidates who are interested in both fundamental AND applied aspects of science.The closing date is 18th April 2011; further details may be found at For informal enquiries please contact Professor N Tirelli (

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